Corporate Information

UL² Certification

Totsu Sangyo joins an elite group of certified UL²  member.

UL²  is a global platform established by Unilumin Pro-AV that aims at growing together with integrated companies, embracing the application of LED new technology in Pro-AV industry, creating an Pro-AV industry Core eco-system that benefits industries for the future.

“U” is short for Unilumin, the letter “L” means hand in hand, win-win cooperation, the number “2”represents making a connection where 1 plus 1 is greater than 2.


About Unilumin Group Co.Ltd

  • ・ Established in China in 2004 and became a listed company. Started sales in Japan in 2007.
  • ・ Delivers high-quality LED products and solutions to more than 100 countries and regions.
  • ・ Provides many manufacturers with various products as an OEM supplier and was ranked among
      the top3 for worldwide share.
  • ・ Yielded 380 billion USD for worldwide sales in the half year of 2019. (4.5 million USD for sales in Japan)
  • ・ Owns the world’s largest manufacturing site of 310,000 square meters.
  •   learn more  Large LED Display